"Barmalej", based on the story of K.Tschukowski, 1984 "Princess and the Echo", musical play, 1985 "Ki-ke-ri-ki," musical fairy tale, 1986 "Adventure on the birthday of" musical fairy tale, 1990 "Misantrop," musical comedy based on the play of labisch, 1992"Anuak treasures", musical, 1991 "Mojdodyr" music drama for children based on the story of K. Tschukovsky, 1992 "Little Elephant", Dilogie musical fairy tale poems by D. Samojlov, 1994 "Mougli," musical based on the fairy tale by R. Kipling, 1997 "Max and Moritz" musical fairy tale by W. Busch, (1998) "The Snow Queen" musical fairy tale by H.Ch.Andersen, 1999 (publishing house "New Music", 2009) "East Side Story", 2001"Mobb them," 2007 "Flemish legend," unfinished opera based on the novel by Ch de Coster, 1977 "Cat House" children's opera, text by S. Marshak, 1981 "The Wizard of Oos," "Jack and the Bean" and "Dwarf Nose" 2002-2004)"Prenski - Live" Musical, lyric Guni Heidermann, 2013